My first meeting went well. My group seems to fit together well, we have myself a new father, we have a very young father with 3 children, a newly married man, a man who just got engaged the Saturday before our first meeting and a single new believer to soak it all in! We all seem to come from different walks of life but through the blood of Christ the paths don't seem that far apart. We had great conversation and all were open to discuss and share their insights. I could see in the eyes of the newer believer that he was truly witnessing something he had never seen before, and I think he was awed at the raw attempt we were making to build a real vulnerable community with other men. The answers were pretty standard Christian answers and we are no where near the point of asking ourselves to look beyond the answers we speak to the answers we live but I anticipate we will get there. I told my wife that it was good but I hope that we can get past sounding good and spewing out the endless knowledge that so many possess in this information saturated culture to the heart of who we are and the reality of how we live, and she told me with time it will come and I think she is right. So all in all it was a great first night, I saw eagerness to learn, I saw passion to connect, I saw much being held back but I could see that walls were already being broken, and I sensed that God has much in store for us.
Ryan M.
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